- February 18th, 2016
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Porcelite: A New Ceramic Resin for 3D Printing

Fired clay came into use in 24,000 BC. Porcelite is a new innovative page in history of 3D printing, which allows to 3D print in ceramic. Porcelite is known to be a porcelain UV resin which is compatible with DLP and SLA 3D printers. Hobbyists and professionals who have a UV-based machine at their disposal can now use a new composite for printing. Under the influence of kiln firing Porcelite changes into an absolutely porcelain thing, which can further be finished in a number of ways (e.g. glazed). One of its main positive sides is that it provides high resolution details, which are perfect for jewelry or industrial parts.
The company is currently working on measuring, mixing components and pouring them into 3D printer trays. They wish to make the material available for consumers, that is why they have to produce it in large amounts and get them ready for worldwide shipment. However, they need to raise funds for automated processing of the material and automate packaging. They have already asked Elevate.co (a design company) to help create attractive bottles that would show the ingredients, how-to-use instructions and precaution measures.
The company will appreciate any kind of help and support. If you fund $20, the company will be grateful and will give you their Thethon 3D T-shirt, which has two kinds of designs – men’s and women’s. You will also be offered stl-files of 3 designs that you can print at once. Or if needed, the files can be modified to suit your own design. The three designs include Tethon 3D buffalo logo, a twisted cube and MK original Pendant designed by 3D artist Max Kaeter. The pendant can be printed in any material available, but it looks especially nice in precious metals and ceramics.
Tethon 3D team wants to share what they can produce with other users. Therefore they offer groups and individuals to visit their workshops and to try 3D print in ceramics. They have a welcoming studio and a guest house. If you are too far away and do not have a chance to travel that far, you can try individual Skype tutorials and Skype classes for groups of students. The classes will include learning to 3D scan, develop 3D models for ceramics and 3D print with various technologies. They are also going to show you various ways to finish 3D printed ceramics.
Porcelite is a well-developed material, so there are no possible risks. The only difficulties that might arise might be with shortage of ingredients. But this matter will be fixed with no harm.