Category: 3D Printed Art

Category: 3D Printed Art
Floris Kaayk’s Sci-Fi Modular Project
Floris Kaayk’s Sci-Fi Modular Project

In today’s technology were 3D printed models can almost replicate the real thing, printing organs and bones are still part of the impossible wherein vast time of research and study is needed. Fortunately, the experts of the 3D printing have been hinting the world about the possibility of 3D bioprinted tissue for medical use in Read more

3D Printing Contest 2016 from Instructables and 3D Hubs
3D Printing Contest 2016 from Instructables and 3D Hubs

Instructables, a do-it-yourself maker community, together with 3D Hubs, a global 3D printing network, are set to give desktop 3D printers to 15 lucky winners of a new contest. Considered to be one of the largest 3D printing competitions in 2016, the 3D Printing Contest 2016 offers a very impressive prize pool that will definitely Read more

Discovering More About Digital Art through the Mind 2 Machine 2 Material Exhibit
Discovering More About Digital Art through the Mind 2 Machine 2 Material Exhibit

Considered as the center of the next industrial revolution, 3D printing and other digital manufacturing firms are starting to become popular. As a matter of fact, there is an increasing number of exhibits solely for 3D printing. Different kinds of art such as traditional sculpting, drawing and painting will always be there, but as we Read more

Illuminated 3D Printed Ceramic Lights
Illuminated 3D Printed Ceramic Lights

The art of lights have been quite the trend when it comes to fashion but it also very tantalizing when the design is just on point. The theme of the lighting does not matter as long as the illuminating quality brings out the “color” of each image. Recently, there was a series of 3D printed Read more

3D Printing Caravaggio Painting for Blind People
3D Printing Caravaggio Painting for Blind People

Caravaggio is one of the most famous painters from Milan in the 1500s. The artist is well known for his skills in mixing shadows and darkness to contrast subjects in the light. The most famous painter of Rome fell ill during 1610, by a mysterious illness. The death of the artist left a legacy that Read more

The Amazing 3D Printed Apparel of Modeclix Collection
The Amazing 3D Printed Apparel of Modeclix Collection

People are always excited to know the latest fashion trends and even make use of their imagination about what possible line of wardrobe is hitting the runway. The goal here is to stand out of the crowd by wearing an exceptional wardrobe that people have not yet seen their entire life or wear a simple Read more

Melissa Ng’s Amazing 3D Printed Dreamer Regalia Armor for Felicia Day
Melissa Ng’s Amazing 3D Printed Dreamer Regalia Armor for Felicia Day

Sometimes, the prospect of facing almost insurmountable odds is just the thing that spurs a person to fight his or her best. Oftentimes, when the odds are stacked against an individual or when the person initially feels ill-equipped, the combative stance may just turn out unbelievable results. This awe-inspiring theme has been used comprehensively in Read more

The Amazing Miguel Zavala Collection of 3D Printed Dungeons and Dragons Monsters
The Amazing Miguel Zavala Collection of 3D Printed Dungeons and Dragons Monsters

The role playing game that has captured the imagination of more than 20 million people in a world of adventures, battles, magic, and personal quests is now even better with the latest sophisticated technology that is just starting to really influence the general public. Without a doubt, Dungeons and Dragons have occupied the minds of Read more

The First-ever Robot-based Glass 3D Printing
The First-ever Robot-based Glass 3D Printing

The range and variety of materials as options for 3D printing have been steadily increasing the past years. Currently heading this list are thermoplastics and metal alloys. People, though, have generally stayed away from glass as a material when it comes to 3D printing as this has proven to be quite tricky and even difficult Read more

The Power of 3D Printing Faithfully Recreates Ancient Japanese Vase
The Power of 3D Printing Faithfully Recreates Ancient Japanese Vase

The Jōmon is a culture of people from Japan during the Neolithic era. These people were hunters, as well as gatherers, but they also have a distinct knack for the creation of various containers such as pottery. The Jōmon left behind many an evidence for such a claim and they did well with their craft. Most Read more