Creating that Perfect Spring 3D Printer Style

Creating that Perfect Spring 3D Printer Style

The vastness of possibilities when it comes to our technology keeps on growing every year. Industrial springs have been a part of our daily lives even if we do not recognize it. Spring products can end up in every tool or machine that we use every day. From ball pens, remote controls, keyboards and a whole lot more if pay attention to the devices a person uses at home.

Moreover, when it comes to medical devices, there are a number of uses in which a spring can be of service. From the smallest sizes to the biggest one, these industrial springs function in completely different ways.


Varieties and Uses

There are a lot of varieties when it comes to industrial springs and one of the most common to a normal household is the torsion spring. This spring produces tension when there is a squeezing effect in an object. For example, standard clothes clips and even on a clipboard.

A tension spring holds the shirt in place but when pressure is applied, it releases it. Tension springs are also used in trampolines and even garage door openers.


3D Printing

So where does the 3D printer comes in place? Since a 3D printer is not an adept when it comes creating a full functioning spring, how are they being used in manufacturing it? The answer to that question is expeditiously prototyping the springs. The manufacturer uses the printer in making precise measures on how a spring can be fitted in the smallest of spaces for their use.

In addition, spring manufacturers also need to consider that most product designs will have the difficulty of what kind of spring is needed for the device and how it can function when in use. The 3D printer will fabricate the needed spring size and how it can make the device function properly as a whole.


While 3D printing of prototypes gives the right measure for springs, it also gives the manufacturers the dimension of the springs is accurate and making sure the spring can fit. After the fitting stage is done, manufacturers also need to take in mind if the printer can actually fabricate the design of the spring. This can save up a lot of money and time because manufacturers will no longer need to run through a dozen of iterations. With the capability of fabricating things, the 3D printer is also used in creating gauges that can make sure that each spring manufactured is of the same size and shape. After a spring is manufactured, it will be compared with the gauge in order to compare everything from the thickness, size, or shape needed. This measure will make sure that there is uniformity in each batch or eliminate the possibility of variation that can change the spring’s function.

Lastly, even before 3D printing was used in manufacturing prototypes for springs, there are still multiple ways in creating one. A couple of machines are required to correctly and precisely mold one. Most industrial spring manufacturers use a computer numerical control machine or CNC. This allows the operator to create and alter springs when it comes to number, size, and diameter of each coil.


Nevertheless, with the technology today, people can expect better things from a 3D printer. 3D printing will continue to provide rapid manufacturing that will not sacrifice quality and maybe in time, it can also print an actual and functioning spring.


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