Want to have 3D printed Halloween costume? Print your own Daft Punk Helmet

Great minds at the electronic innovators Adafruit have represented a great 3D printing facility at their website. As usually we expected the ambitious team to come up with some fresh and original plan with nice electronics and a user-friendly tutorial. Already interested in it?
Welcome the wonderful and spectacular Daft Punk Helmet. Its enthusiast and developer is the great genius Nou Ruiz. It was he who impressed enthusiasts having shown some projects and designs, like the marvelous 3D printed miniature computer.
This invention is made up of transparent and lightweight 3D printed helmet made of PLA. This PLA material is good as things made of it can fit almost any size. To make such a helmet you can use a 3D printer of any type.
Ruiz demonstrated how to add some lightning effects applying different LED strips into the helmet, that can be programmed and changed up to your taste and liking. All the necessary components, files and designs will come together with the guide-book. So not only is this invention cool, but also handy for everyone who has ever tried working with a 3D printer.
Surely just some PLA and a 3D printer is not enough for everybody to make such nice helmets themselves. To create these effects of lighting inventors needed two Pro Trinket set-ups and different NeoPixel Strips with a battery and two switches. But you can get them quite cheaply via the Adafruit webshop and thus reduce the total costs of the project.
Ruiz suggested us an open-source model of the helmet. But to fit a particular skull some customization may be required. His advice is to take measures of the top of one’s head above the ears and modify those measurements in 123D Design according.
What’s more you shouldn’t forget about the awful magnitude of the 3D printing project, as besides the real size of your head, it will take 1.2 pounds of PLA to complete the print the print. So before printing it’s a good idea to weigh the spool. And no matter what printer you use, printing process will take some time, up to 49 hours. So be sure to plan youк work properly. When printing is over, make sure you removed all the extra remnants before you switch to spray-painting phase. Then it’s necessary to follow Nou Ruiz’s step-by-step guide-book concerning building, installing and operating LED lighting system. Each step is clearly explained and supplied with examples and diagrams.
So Daft Punk helmet waits every 3D printing fans and enthusiasts to put it on and check it.