100% Recycled 3D Printing Filaments on Kickstarter

3D printing is a technology that is no longer surprising for anyone. It implies that a 3D printer uses some plastic filament which is melted. Then the necessary design of the object is formed (according to your model). It goes without saying that 3D printing has a great impact on both people and the planet and natural resources. Fila-Cycle Company has been working hard over the past few years to bring something new to the technology. They’ve tried to find the ways that would not put too much pressure on the resources. They hope that in future their company’s name will be associated with recycled filament for 3D printers.
The four types of plastic they decided to work with are ABS, PLA, PET and HIPS. Fila-Cycle tried to select various kinds of plastics from all sorts of industries (automotive, household electronics, etc) that would cause negative effect, were they discarded. You shouldn’t imagine that they simply picked up the materials and make filament out of them. First of all the materials have been tested many times. The following factors were important for the company when they were selecting the materials:
- cleanliness
- top quality filament surface
- suitability for rapid prototyping
- clean sources of the materials
- The ability to use the materials as they are, 100% recycled.
Finally their work resulted in rABS, which was presented on October, 19, 2015. It became the best recycled plastic product of the year. The rABS comes from car bumpers and dashboards (all he plastic car parts). rPLA is the result of recycled household plastic (for instance, yogurt cups). Recylcled clear plastic bottles became rPET, and recycled electrical household equipment resulted in rHIPS. Mind you that not only the filament, but also the packaging (the spools and boxing) is recycled.
Fila-Cycle have launched a Kickstarter campaign with which they hope to prove that 3D printing and recycling are closer to each other than one may consider. With your support of the campaign landfills will be cleaned from plastic and other possible materials will become available for recycling and using for 3D printing. And of course your support will mean reduction of production costs.