- March 17th, 2016
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Tio Kits Turning 3D Prints and Toys into Controllable Devices via Smartphones

Nurturing the brains of the next generation children will play an important factor in every parent’s life. The dreams and goals such as being the president, pilot, lawyer; doctor and so on won’t come easy without the proper knowledge in giving the kids the best process.
It is quite happening all over the world wherein the STEM agenda is now a necessity in every household. A parent can use the latest technology in harnessing and pique the interests of children especially if these kids are so preoccupied with the games on the tablet. One way of doing this is to encourage the children in joining 3D printing expos which showcases loads of innovative materials that can be used for future science fairs and art contests.
Today’s Generation
In reality, technology is already playing a big part of most children’s lives. It is also not wise to just snatch all the gadgets at home when it comes to studying because that can affect the outlook of the kids too. The best way to solve this dilemma is to view technology as an advantage. Harnessing these gadgets and turning it into a more education driven device.
The Answer
Tio is a growing company also shares the same goals as they promote educating the children in a more challenging way. The company was founded by three young men whose product is the answer to every parent’s problem when it comes to engaging the children in learning.
The Tio Kit is a device that can help manipulate a wide range of application controlled toys and inventions that every family member can enjoy and the good thing about this product is that it can recycle old toys and craft materials such as LEGOs, 3D printed devices and gadgets.
Every Kit has a 9 pop and folds feature template. This can help new users in creating combinations of different materials. The template includes a climber, windmill, lighthouse and a helicopter. Tio aims to contribute into the young minds when it comes to engineering self-made devices.
This technology is available for children ages 3 and above. One special feature of the kit involves having LEGOs and 3D printed cars be controlled by a smartphone application. Children can use this app in tasking each created device into navigating, flashing messages, and carry objects and so on.
The kit includes motorized blocks with LED rings, pulleys, adapters and wheels. These allow easy connections to the materials that the child will be using. The smartphone app would play a huge role as a convenience factor for the user as it allows easy programming and customization via wifi.
These kits are part of a campaign that started on Kickstarter and in hopes of raising $69, 255 in funding by April 4. This can jumpstart the manufacturing of these kits in no time. For those interested, for $100, the donator will receive an early bird Create Kit which includes goodies that can be used in creating and controlling toys and devices.
Tio aims that the product will be a part of STEM learning tools in the future. This is a great way for the new generation to enjoy technology and at the same time harnessing their knowledge and skills.