TOP 3d modeling softwares from 3D Hubs

You probably familiar with popular trend reports that 3D Hubs prepares and releases based on the information they get from many people who joined their community. Recently they released a new type of such report which is related to various 3d modeling softwares.
This is the 1st time when 3D Hubs decided to take a look more closely at different file formats that users upload to 3d print as well as find out more about 3D modeling softwares that are used to create those files.
Based on results they got the most popular 3D modeling software is Solidworks from the well-known professional CAD suite from Dassault Systems. The second one which is very close to the winner is SketchUp.
“Autodesk dominates the list, claiming half of the top 10, including the next three slots. The bronze belongs to Fusion 360, the first major cloud-based 3D CAD tool. #4 is the 123D suite, the first free set of tools on our list with an ever growing number of apps for hobbyists, including 123D Design and Tinkercad.“, 3D Hubs writes.