2015 Singapore International 3D Printing Competitions

Before the era of computers and digital devices, children all over the world used to spend time playing with conventional toys – from jigsaw puzzles and blocks of wood to mechanical robots and tracks of train. In fact children used to play with almost anything they could find dolls, puzzles, toys for construction. They were involved in physical activities either.
Nowadays, as various devices like iPads, laptops, and game consoles have become popular and available, we have come up with a difficult question: how can we draw children’s attention back to vintage toys and how can 3D printing help us? In this respect the Singapore International 3D Printing Competitions are taking place from now till April, 24, 2015. This is the third time the competitions are held, and this year the focus of their attention is vintage toys or designs derived from vintage toys supplied with new creative engineering elements, but at the same time maintaining the historical uniqueness of vintage toys.
As you know 3D printing is the technology that expands the common boundaries of manufacturing. The world-wide interest in 3D printing is gradually growing. Singapore Centre for 3D Printing is a new research institution, which aims for achieving prominent results in achieving high results and discovering innovative 3D printing technologies. The four major areas that the Centre covers are Building and Construction, Aerospace and Defense, Marine and Offshore, and the Future of Manufacturing.
This year’s competition will have three categories and two themes.
As for categories, these will be Open category (for all participants regardless of nationality, gender, age, etc. with the top prize of $10000), Singapore school student category (for students from Singapore primary schools, secondary schools and junior colleges with the top price being $5000) and Singapore tertiary student category (for students from Singapore polytechnics and universities with the top prize of $5000).
And the themes that are the focus of attention are vintage toys and functional logo for the SC3DP. We’ve already covered the first one. As for the logo, in this competition they want to find a futuristic and innovative logo design for their centre, which will reveal and display the high potential of the technology. In general, 3D printing is the technology that expands the traditionally accepted boundaries of manufacturing. All over the world interest in 3D printing is growing. SC3DP wants to inspire the world’s top research centers and enthusiasts to achieve prominent breakthroughs in the development of advanced 3D printing materials, processes and technologies.
If you decide to take part in the competition, the first step for you is filling in the registration form and send your design to Singapore Centre for 3D printing by 24 April 2015. Keep in mind, that the design you develop should be 3D printable, functional and adaptable to 2D format to replicate it on the print media. The design should also be suitable for small surfaces and using in either color or grayscale. The ready logo should be no larger than 15x15x15 centimeters in size and the ready 2D logo shouldn’t exceed the 10×10 size. No other electronics or 3D printed components should be required. You may use any materials you like. The winner or a member of the team-winner must attend the winning ceremony in Singapore to get the price.
You may get acquainted with the rules on the official website of the competition. Good luck!