Wanted Analytics: Demand For 3D Printing Skills Soars

The first attempts to cover demands for additive manufacturing and 3D printing were made last year. These days we’re trying to re-estimate the demand in order to see its progress. If we look at the hiring trends for the past four years, we will notice that for demand for applicants with skills in additive manufacturing and 3D printing is currently rising. If we compare the number of job ads looking for workers possessing such skills has risen for the past year (103%). The highest demand rate is among engineering jobs – about 35% of all the ads have been posted for the past month. Among other fields that require specialists with 3D printing skills are management and IT.
Here is the rate of top five jobs that demand skills in AM and 3D printing
- Industrial Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Software Developers, Applications
- Commercial and Industrial Designers
- Marketing Managers
What might surprise you is that engineering, tech and designer jobs stay on the same list as marketing jobs. The majority of positions demand that the candidates create the technology and work efficiently. But it seems that marketing managers don’t fit such requirements. Nevertheless marketing managers possessing working skills with 3D printing are necessary to promote the company’s 3D printing services, represent their main features and benefits to the market and target audience, deal with a company’s partners and explore its opportunities. There is a common believe that manufacturing field is the only future of additive manufacturing and 3D printing. The technology is constantly improving, that’s why it will be cheaper and easier to produce sophisticated constituents on short demand, says Chicago Tribune. All this can become clear from hiring trends. The demand for such skills is especially high in the following industries:
- Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers
- Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil Manufacturing
- Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
- Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, and Nautical System and Instrument Manufacturing
- Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
In spite of the growth of demand, recruiting circumstances have declined. There is a special Hiring Scale that determines the possible difficulties connected with recruitment. In this scale the highest score – 99 – indicates the skills hardest to recruit. AM and 3D printing ranked 44th last summer, this year they score 60th. On average the conditions might seem challenging, but still there are a few locations where employers can find a talent, and in that case there will be less hiring difficulty.
Source: Wanted Analytics