‘mOment’ – 3D printed accessories from Kabuku

A Tokyo based Japanese corporation Kabuku has introduced a new brand of fashion accessories “mOment”, which combines traditional Japanese dyeing techniques and 3D printing technology. The first collections were sold on July, 29, 2014 on 3D printing marketplace “rinkak”.
The collection represents a combination of traditional art and contemporary 3D printing technologies. Their first line of accessories represented necklaces, rings, earrings for women. To produce its first line Kabuku joined a Kojima dyeing factory ‘Urakami-Senryoten’. The company specializes in dyeing denim clothing as well as in working with various types of material and developing new colours and textures that other companies can’t do.
The new process is known as “Aizome: Indigo-dyeing”, which means hand dyeing each thing separately. The first theme “KUMO-cloud” appeared out of random shade and Aizome blur, after which the image of blue sky after the storm and clouds appeared. Each pattern possesses its peculiar meaning and expression.
The concept of the “mOment” project in to turn a flash moment of some story into reality. The aim is to develop new manufacturing process grounded on the new technologies, 3D printing in particular. Thoughts, sceneries and emotions form the basis of the design. The brand is powered by “rinkak” digital fabrication service and uses made-to-order process to decrease inventory and increase customization level.
The brand pays more attention to the design to make it more simplistic and more popular with the consumers. It also tries to keep the balance between uniqueness and smart contemporary style. The industrial designer Yasuhide Yokoi of Kabuku said that they hope that the potential of the new 3D printed designs and products would be enhanced thanks to the long-established Japanese technologies.
Kabuku launched “rinkak” in June 2013 as an online marketplace where everyone can sell 3D printed items via their network. Through “rinkak” designers have their products 3D printed and then they can sell them through online market.