3D printed fabulous flexible dress by Francis Bitoni

We have wondered if printing clothes at home will ever be possible. Well, time has come and 3Dprinted clothes are a reality. The first ever 3D printed couture dress appeared on a MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer specially for the New Skins Brumal Bodies: Computational Design for Fashion Winter 2014 workshop, which took place at the Metropolitan Exchange in Brooklyn, N.Y.
The dress is the first of the kind, it’s bесоme а rеvоlutiоn in the 3D printing world, dеsignеd bу Frаnсis Bitoni together with students frоm various design departments using computing dеsign. Bitoni, thus, looks to a day when consumers can easily go to the Internet and get couture dresses to their desktop immediately.
Bitoni wasn’t the first to try 3D design. One of the top fashion designers Iris Van Herpen started sharing her 3D printed samples in 2011.
The Bristle Dress is more cоnvеniеnt than it may seem. The fiber, making the upper and lower parts of the dress, are designed flexible and, for better convenience, the skirt is decorated with synthetic fur. In spite of being an architectural designer, Bitoni’s 3D-print vogue is smooth and gradual, for computing fashion requires more innovation rather than trendy inventiveness.
It’s quite uncommon for structural and fashion experts to work together, as the two areas hardly had anything in common like a decade ago. Nobody could imagine a couturist and an architect working together. Probably that’s why their partnership seems so wonderful and fascinating.
Bitoni views the new methods as a possible way of making new aesthetic languages. The deep study into fashion, product design and even architecture can be seen at francisbitoni.com.
In addition you can easily download and print out the Bristle Dress from Thingiverse.com; if you wish, you may alter it. However we shouldn’t be mad about the innovation.
3D textile printing is not that far away from the present. It does exist now. It was difficult to create it. The innovators’ task now is to make easy, favourable and profitable for fashionista and designers.
Just imagine that in a few decades from now you will print shoes, clothes, outfit and accessories if you don’t know what to put on! I can find yourself printing new ensembles out each night for the next day in just one or two decades, max. That includes shoes, clothes, accessories, and outerwear.