The First BioCompatible Resin for Desktop 3D Printing

The First BioCompatible Resin for Desktop 3D Printing

The 3D printing technology has been constant in providing breakthrough models that can be used by doctors, engineers, artists and others. It is quite imminent that the future will include 3D printing components in all consumer products. The 3D printing developments are entirely spawning now and then, and this time, it is in the dental industry.

3D printing is not new when it comes to dentistry because it has been commonly used for several of purposes in the past. Recently, Vertex Dental just announced that the team has developed the primary 3D printing components that are CE Class IIa-certified for dental applications and following that announcement, Formlabs also revealed its version of first when it comes to dental use.

The Primary BioCompatible Resin for Desktop 3D Printing

Dental SG Resin

Known for the SLA technology, Formlabs is releasing the first biocompatible resin in the desktop 3D printing business. The Class 1 material can be used in making fast and safe dental procedures. The Dental SG is accurate, and it makes the experience all too amazing and comfortable.

Dentists can now use the resources to produce 3D printed drills and implants using any of the digital scan data. With one of its feature of hastening dental procedures, this will save the patient’s time from biting down to models and saving more time during the process. It will be a total makeover of the dental procedures because, with the help of the 3D scan, professional dentists can create a surgical guide that can contribute to installing perfectly fitted implants to the patient’s mouth.

The Primary BioCompatible Resin for Desktop 3D Printing

David Lakatos, Head of Product at Formlabs, said that the technology can now help doctors and patients by giving customized surgical plans and mass production of the material.

The Formlabs Form 2 3D printer is now commonly used by dentists during practice. The high-quality printer and larger build capacity provide a more flexible 3D printed models and surgical tools. The help of the new biocompatible resin changed how 3D printing can help dental professionals such as Dr. Travis Bellichi, a resident doctor at Indiana University School of Dentistry, has been using the Form 2 printer to develop maxillofacial prosthetics. Also, Dr. Michael Scherer has been using the same 3D printer for dental training procedures and surgical methods.

Dr. Scherer said that the addition of the Dental SG was a game changer. The Dental SG improves the patient’s outcome of each procedure by making the implantation faster, more accurate, and the comfort it brings to the patient. Also, the addition of this new technology can now help doctors who are in smaller labs because traditional 3D printers require larger space for production. The Dental SG will be made available only at the Formlabs’ online store. Along with the biocompatible resin, Formlabs are also releasing various updates for the resin such as improved formulations of the resin. This can make it tougher and flexible. Along with the upgrades, the product will be accompanied by a Materials Manager that can help the doctor track resin consumption and also switching between resins.

The Primary BioCompatible Resin for Desktop 3D Printing


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