New Fleks3d Printing Plates Guarantee Comfortable and Efficient Workflow

One of the most irritating things about 3D printing is that when the print that you have been waiting for so many hours gets spoilt when you try to get it from the printing bed. Some resourceful 3D printer users turn to such ways as using blue tape or hairspray. But the best solution is Fleks3D.
About a year ago it appeared and became quite successful. It is popular in 37 countries all over the world and in 50 states. This year Viktor Jondal and Peter Ragonetti are going to introduce new sizes and plates for Delta 3D printers Flashforge and some plates for common-sized printers (like Cobblebot, Multimaker and Makerbot). Fleks3D is a device that makes 3D printing more successful and makes removing the ready prints easier.
More successful 3D printing is provided by a special plate texture that grabs the foundation layer and it remains in the same place during printing. Also Fleks3D guarantees smooth workflow, which is achieved by interchangeable plates. Once the print is ready, you simply put another plate. That’s what makes it suitable for large projects. The producers promise that there will be no spoilt prints and you will forget about your cut fingers.
FLEKS3D proved to work well with both heated and not heated printing bed. The inventors have developed new sizes. They’ve also developed a round plate. This time they are also suggesting an entry level version – Fleks3D SIMPLE, which can be characterized as the most accessible. You can use it to see what it’s like, in general. You just attach it to the print-bed using the clips. It is available at $15 or a bit more. A significant advantage of Simple is that it provides more printing area as it has no frame. If you need any special type of the plate for your printer, you may contact the team and discuss the terms and conditions.
Some of you may be interested why the plate is called Fleks. You see, the name suggests the way you remove the print from it – you simply flex the plate and the printed parts pop off. The plate works perfectly well with various kinds of filament – ABS, Nylon, NinjaFlex or PLA.
Those users who are looking for a simple and practical solution to make 3D printing more comfortable will find Fleks3D useful.