Arup presented a new method of 3D printing steel joints in complex projects

Arup, the UK engineering company, has introduced 3D printed steel joints for complex projects to the world. That’s how they’ve revolutionized construction industry. They also proved that the use of 3D printed steel joints can considerably reduce costs and time required for making complex junctions. It’s likely to become the new type of utilizing additive manufacturing.
The team have redesigned the steel junction and made it less heavy. This step is a good example the 3D printing has unlimited possibilities and in everyday life there are lots of applications, mainly in engineering and construction. Arup Company is well experienced in dealing with these constructions. A good example is tensegrity construction of the Kurilpa Bridge in Australia.
The use of additive manufacturing can be beneficial for creating complex parts more effectively with less time, costs and waste. The most important thing here is that with this method it’s easy to create the most complicated design and at the last stages there will be no need for changing the design and making it simpler and reducing costs.
The company is a partner with WithinLabs – a consulting company that designs engineering software. It was EOS that developed the technology earlier. They also proved that the use of 3D printed structural elements and steel will reduce material expending by 75% and CO2 emissions by 40%. So the technology is likely to substitute the usual production technologies when energy waste, raw material and its transportation are considered. The usual way to produce steel nodes is still cheaper, however Arup Company states that in future it will be cheaper to 3D print them.